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本帖最後由 timmaxsing 於 2014-4-15 12:49 PM 編輯 www.tvboxnow.com; X5 v4 N8 J) B- B7 l$ u  z- b

2 j: _. v& b8 M5 l% T3 s5 S9 G3 E  A0 h% V+ c/ N% W3 s) y

) m7 j  b2 b8 V" F+ W人生的路不是一條平坦的道路,只有走過崎嶇、遇過困境,曾經跌倒、曾經失去,經歷過挫敗、跨越過仇恨,而仍然能夠昂首闊步邁向人生,才能鍛煉出一顆堅毅不屈的心,看盡人間真善美。
; _" B7 ^  a0 v7 S( K% f1 c做一個堅強的人很難;做一個堅強的女人更難。我們要說的,就是一個女人的故事…+ |! O2 U9 E9 x% r& s/ X

& A, F) H% v8 L1 t" ~1 P  n* {( Ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvb用自己的雙手,再將幸福的碎片,一片一片組起...
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看到這介紹, 覺得此劇應該會是不錯, 希望先睹為快.
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$ V' x4 |+ t- r0 Xwww.tvboxnow.com非常感謝timmaxsing用心分享!!


This is a very encourage Taiwan tv program. It inspire people how to overcome the life challenges. Most of time people evaluate their success by the external material and not knowing the most precious moment are sliding through their finger tip. When one give up everything in life seeking his/her glories, the glories he or she is seeking is what they are giving up.    1# timmaxsing


  • timmaxsing
