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★★ 全城響應繼續努力勁爆!Thank you 哂!★★★
45# lam75317531
To: jeremywonghk and lam75317531
May be checking who the ISP is and check the speed for download and upload speed, I know some part of the world only one ISP by the government!  50Gb/50Gb, 100GB/100GB, 150GB/150GB, Fiber is great will Help.....
41# Evanskai
Use Windows 10 is got full support of MKV format and also MP4..
47# mycompute
49# lam75317531
In P2P more people using is get faster.  Is seen like very few people is downloading 1080 and more with 720, also 1080 file size is much larger than 720.  
I am looking for a new monitor(4K 37 inch)waiting for the price to drop, and try to saving some $$$ for it.  currently I am using a 27 inch monitor, and 1080 Look Very Good.

Good luck with you download.
Thanks for #18
ISP的傳輸速度可能會有影響,我目前用的是PCCW 30MB,之前他曾願意免費升級到100MB,可惜師傅上門看過,表示我所在樓層無法拉光纖進屋,只好作罷。mycompute 的分析有道理,BT下載是越多人下載越快,我已經把開機時間告訴大家,還有一個小小的要求,就是你們下載完成,請不要急于離開,讓他繼續上載6小時或以上,以幫助其他網友完成下載,當是做一件好事吧!拜託了!
53# jeremywonghk
點解你可以用 30MB 咁多o既, 我住香港唐樓, 由 14.4k modem 到而家, 佢最多都係比 8MB 我, upload 60-80kb/sec

就我所知,香港好多屋苑仍然用緊 8MB,例如美孚新村。更新需時間以及資金。我之前也用過8MB。
Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy new year Thanks Your Share Great and Real High Def. Keep Going, Don't Stop Share Spirit to Balance Life.Improve to X.265 720 ( 10M ) or 1080P ( 20M )  Looking for PT KEY get japan HD Drama an
53# jeremywonghk
I just remember something, you in a old building, you want to upgrade your cable/net wire, but got the " 無法拉光纖進屋 " is not true, is more like workman do not want to do the work for just one person/user, go ask around see any other unit in you building also want to upgrade, also will be nice if you also asking the building next to you, not cross the street, if you able to get 6 to 8 unit in your building,(also will help people in the building next to you building, but not cross the street)  the workman may install the line/cable for you?  

8MB is sound like using the old and out of date phone line, if more people asking for more high speed, the ISP will install for you, if the ISP feel like nobody want the high speed, are just only one person want it, if will skip your area and go somewhere else...

PS: Some time the ISP can not get any workman know how to do the install works, also could be a issue.