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作者: netaccess    時間: 2011-7-24 09:59 AM     標題: A Summer of Panda Pregnancies


While the giant panda is known for its finicky breeding habits in captivity, its distantly-related cousin, the red panda is known to breed particularly well in zoo.

As such, the Smithsonian National Zoo welcomed four red panda cubs this summer -- bringing the total number of red panda births here to more than 100 cubs since 1962.

But while the zoo is celebrating these bright-eyed and bushy-tailed arrivals, they're also suffering a bit of disappointment.

Staff had suspected the zoo's resident giant panda, Mei Xiang, was pregnant; but the hormonal fluctuations they had been monitoring turned out to be merely signs of a false pregnancy.


Two of the cubs were born at the National Zoo and two more were born at the zoo's sister facility in Virginia. All four cubs are female.

The two pictured above are the offspring of the National Zoo's proud red panda parents, Shama and Tate.

Shama gave birth in her den on June 17. When she didn't respond to the usual calls from zoo keepers, the staff suspected that she had given birth.

A quiet squeal from the den was the first hint of cubs. But it would take another week before the zoo keepers were able to do a "cub check" to confirm.


Tiny from birth, red pandas generally grow to be seven to 14 pounds. In comparison, giant pandas grow to about 200 pounds.

These cubs will spend the next 90 days in the den and won't leave their mothers for up to year.

Red pandas are considered a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. There are estimates that the mature wild population is as low as 2,500 individuals.


The red panda's particularly bushy tail helps it stay balanced as it climbs trees.

And, while it's predominantly a reddish-brown color to match its surroundings, it inhabits some of same territories as the giant panda: China, the Himalayas, and Myanmar.

They also have a similar diet -- with a few additions. Red pandas mainly feast on bamboo but also eat berries, blossoms, and bird eggs, according to the National Zoo.


Veterinarians are careful to wear gloves and take necessary precautions when handling the cubs.

Many times staff will wear a second set of gloves that have been rubbed with nesting material and the mother's feces in order to cover their own human scent.

Each of the cubs has gotten a clean bill of health from zoo veterinarians.


Mei Xiang, the zoo's female giant panda had her sixth psuedopregnancy -- a common occurrance for pandas.

Mature pandas ovulate once a year and either conceive or don't, but they still experience the same signs of pregancy: decreased appetite, excessive grooming and spending more time in the den.

Mei Xiang had also been showing signs of hormonal changes in her urine, but veterinarians had been unable to observe a fetus during ultrasound exams.

Now, after several weeks of her hormone levels declining, zoo keepers can officially declare it a psuedopregnancy.

Panda births are rare in captivity. Mei Xiang gave birth to one cub in 2005.
作者: charmmymiao    時間: 2011-7-24 09:52 PM

hmm im confuse... is it regarding bout panda, most of the picture are babies racoon only the last one is panda!!

baby racoon soooo cute!!!
作者: dxb    時間: 2011-7-24 10:26 PM

2# charmmymiao


小熊貓(學名:Ailurus fulgens)又名紅熊貓、紅貓熊、小貓熊,有時在中文中也稱火狐,英文中亦有「Fire Fox」即是對其的直接譯名,是一種哺乳類動物,分佈在中國南方到喜馬拉雅山麓。屬於食肉目、小熊貓科。它究竟應該列在熊科或浣熊科是多年來一直被爭論的問題,最近經過基因分析,認為與美洲大陸的浣熊親緣關係最接近,應該單獨列為小熊貓科。

小熊貓長約50至60厘米,體重約3至5公斤,身體軀幹毛為栗色,四肢和腹有些黑色毛,面部白色花紋不像大熊貓那樣明顯,但前爪根骨的一部分突起成手指狀,可作為第6手指抓握物品,和大熊貓相同。 以果實、根、筍、栓皮櫟、昆蟲等為食物。夜行性,白天在樹上睡眠。交尾期為1~3月,5~7月生育,一胎一般有1~4頭仔。幼仔5個月左右斷奶,18~20個月性成熟。 目前由於森林砍伐等原因,野生棲息地萎縮,造成數量明顯減少,據估計大約只有不到5000頭。小熊貓被列入IUCN紅色名錄的瀕危級別,及瀕臨絕種野生動植物國際貿易公約的附錄一,嚴格禁止交易。

「熊貓」這個名稱其實是小熊貓先取得的,但是後來的大熊貓更廣為人知,所以單稱「熊貓」的時候多指的是大熊貓。 法國的博物學者喬治居維葉(Georges Cuvier)的弟弟動物學者弗列德利克居維葉(Frdric Cuvier)看到小熊貓的標本相當感動,因此以希臘文中的「火焰色的貓(Ailurus fulgens)」作為其學名。 英文中則有「Red Panda」、「Wah」、「Firefox」等名稱,最後的Firefox即是有名的開放原始碼瀏覽器Mozilla Firefox的來源,但是該瀏覽器的圖案畫的卻比較接近有着火尾巴的狐狸。

小熊貓是屬於夜行性生物,生活在喜馬拉雅山脈的南坡及中國西南的多山森林,大約位於海拔2,200至4,800公尺左右。牠們大部分時間都在樹枝上或是樹洞中休息,只有在接近晚上的幾個小時比較活躍。對於溫度十分的敏感,大約是在17至25C,無法忍受超過25C的溫度,也因此小熊貓會藉由在樹頂的陰影中睡眠來躲避日間的高溫,經常躺在大樹的分枝或滾在樹洞中用長尾蓋住臉。 小熊貓對於生活在樹間十分的熟練及適應。因為具有領域性一般都是獨居,很少見到成對或是家族群居,是種非常安靜的生物只會發出動物的吱吱聲來做溝通。在夜間搜尋食物,靈巧的延着地面或是穿過樹間,找到食物後會用前肢把食物送入口中,啺水時是用前掌沾水再舔食掌上的水份。主要的天敵是雪豹、貂及人類,尤其是人類造成的棲息地破壞。 小熊貓的一天開始在儀式性的清洗動作中,會用前掌清潔毛皮也會用樹枝或石頭來抓背,因為有領域性會巡邏領土並用微弱的香腺或尿做標記。當他們感受到威脅會立刻竄入難以進入的亂石或樹間,當感到威脅沒有那麼強大時,會用後腳直立做出防衛動作以利用銳利的前爪來攻擊敵人,小熊貓十分友善但並不是沒有防衛能力,碰上危險也是會反抗。

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