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標題: 芳香植物 薰衣草 [打印本頁]

作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-19 04:44 PM     標題: 芳香植物 薰衣草

芳香植物當中,最為人認識的大概就是薰衣草了。薰衣草原產於地中海沿岸,屬於唇形花科的常綠小灌木,葉形因品種而不同,花序屬於穗狀花序,顏色從深紫色到粉紅色甚至白色都有,全株具有芳香氣味 ,因為有讓人安寧鎮靜的效用而廣受歡迎。











作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-19 04:47 PM



作者: norman.ho    時間: 2014-9-21 08:32 AM

本帖最後由 norman.ho 於 2014-9-21 08:44 AM 編輯

There are a few Lavender bush blooming beautifully at the front garden; here a are few different snapshots.
They are of different varieties, very easy to grow, needs little looking after;
if you have a sunny spot in your garden, put a few in, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the reward.
I put mine in last summer, they have now at least tippled in their size.











Vanda, you should try growing some of them, they grow well in Tasmania where it is freezing cold in winter, so there should be no problem growing them where you are
作者: 亞良    時間: 2014-9-22 09:11 PM

師姐, 我都有種過, 但起碼種拾幾棵先好看, 我只種2棵. 出完花後好難睇, 最後放棄
作者: moksy    時間: 2014-9-24 02:25 AM

Do they need any fertilizer?
作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-24 08:40 AM

Vanda, you should try growing some of them, they grow well in Tasmania where it is freezing cold in winter, so there should be no problem growing them where you are
norman.ho 發表於 2014-9-21 08:32 AM
Hi Norman, 1樓照片就是我種的薰衣草, 這一株淡紫色花, 另有一株深紫色花還有1株顏色更淡; 看上去像粉紅色.

你的只種了1年? 很茂盛的樣子
作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-24 08:49 AM

師姐, 我都有種過, 但起碼種拾幾棵先好看, 我只種2棵. 出完花後好難睇, 最後放棄
亞良 發表於 2014-9-22 09:11 PM
良哥, 我只種了3株, 但前面種了一些ground cover, 後面則種了大葉杜鵑.
有些品種像我這些闊度可以達3呎以上, 利用其他植物互相配搭可以很好看的, 有機會不妨再試.
其實重要的是花後入秋前需要修剪, 略作修剪可剪1/3, 大剪要剪2/3, 這樣才可以維持它的形態.
作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-24 08:54 AM

Do they need any fertilizer?
moksy 發表於 2014-9-24 02:25 AM
初種的時候可以先下基肥如 bone meal, 偶然也可以下開花肥,
我的種了十多年從沒再給它們肥料, 但春天會加一層新的garden soil在舊土之上, 給它們補充微量原素.
作者: norman.ho    時間: 2014-9-25 05:37 AM

Nice to know there is another affectionado for growing Lavender.
Vanda, you are the one with real practical experience. (10 years ... wow!)

Lavender is one of the easiest plant to grow, I think if you have a sunny balcony,
it can be grown in a 20 cm pot; try growing a few pots next to each other,
they would give you nice lavender flowers from early spring to late summer.

Me, as a first timer, this is what I learned:

The fresh lavender flowers do not have a strong fragrance as one might expect,
however, if you wait for the flowers to mature a bit, cut a few small bunches,
with the stems of about 7 to 8 cm long, together with some foliage;
Keep them in a little vase filled with fresh water, changing every 2 to 3 days,
the flowers will keep maturing and form seed pods.
After a week or so, tie up the small bunches with a piece of string,
hang them upside down in a shady spot for a couple of days,
then keep them in a paper bag.

After a couple of days, Open the bag, have a smell; you will be very pleasantly surprised.

Well, this is my little 2 cents worth of contribution.

作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-25 01:50 PM

如果你想做一束乾花, 收割時間應該在第2-3朵花開放時連6-8"的莖剪下, 扎好倒掛風乾.
要做香包的話, 風乾後將花萼Calyx摘下來放入小布袋之內.
正常的情況下花仍未開放; 所以花萼內沒有種子. 今年太懶惰沒有收割, 所以才有這麼多種子.
作者: norman.ho    時間: 2014-9-25 02:49 PM

Hi Vanda,
Only from here I learned the Chinese name "薰衣草",  but I don't know how to pronounce the word "薰", does it pronounce in Cantonese the same as the word "pocket"?
Pardon my ignorance ...

作者: vandas    時間: 2014-9-25 04:10 PM

薰 pronounce in Cantonese as 'fun'
作者: hkgorchid    時間: 2014-9-26 12:08 AM

本帖最後由 hkgorchid 於 2014-9-26 12:14 AM 編輯

Few years ago when I traveled Europe I found a big area growing with lavender. This was a wild area & I grabbed a bunch of lavender seeds back to the hotel. However I had put it to the restroom eventually due to the scents drove me crazy!
Vandas: Why were you stepped down as '版主'?
作者: norman.ho    時間: 2014-9-26 10:15 AM

本帖最後由 norman.ho 於 2014-9-26 10:16 AM 編輯
薰 pronounce in Cantonese as 'fun'
vandas 發表於 2014-9-25 04:10 PM
Thanks, so it pronounce in Cantonese like "fun yi cho" right?
I am so glad I have a few of them taking up residency in both my front and back garden;
it definitely give the word "fun" a new dimension. :)

作者: norman.ho    時間: 2014-12-20 06:56 AM

本帖最後由 norman.ho 於 2014-12-20 07:01 AM 編輯

Wish all our keen gardeners here a Very Happy Christmas,
and a Blooming New Year.

Aromatic Brilliance:

Open Fire on the Snow

Smile with me.

All Together now.

I choose this beautiful song instead of a Christmas Carol,
hope your all enjoy.

An Absolute Audio Indulgence:


One Groovy President and his Radiant First Lady:

作者: aisu    時間: 2014-12-21 12:54 AM

作者: chowold2    時間: 2014-12-21 02:37 AM

aisu 發表於 2014-12-21 12:54 AM
作者: hkgorchid    時間: 2014-12-21 02:29 PM

本帖最後由 hkgorchid 於 2014-12-29 08:08 AM 編輯

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all of you in this forum!
norman.ho, I have 'the raven' cd for more than 15 years already! Rebecca's voice was incredible! I highly recommended to everyone!
作者: vandas    時間: 2014-12-23 04:23 PM

也祝Norman、hkgorchid 及各位佳節愉快! MERRY CHRISTMAS! 聖誕快樂!
作者: greenling    時間: 2015-1-28 10:06 AM

謝謝資訊.  我很喜愛薰衣草的味道.  用它的精油按摩又可以舒緩失眠.  
作者: firefox_firefox    時間: 2015-3-1 04:19 PM


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