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標題: [教學] Want to get help!! [打印本頁]

作者: cc143li    時間: 2010-7-10 05:49 PM     標題: Want to get help!!

I want to make the work accrondind to this likn

but i dont know how to do the STEP 6

i do not understanding wt does " horizontally center them to the the guide" means
does anyone can hepl me?
作者: joeycason    時間: 2010-7-12 12:55 AM

which mean you select the shadow layer then select the text layer (press ctrl) then goto "option" (on top of the tool bar) select the horizontal center (this function is to make both layer horizontally center, which mean it "align" both layer to the center) :)

horizontal center >> tools under alignment >> tools to align 2 (at lease) object in different layer horizontally center

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