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標題: [貼圖] Triggerfish [打印本頁]

作者: colourbeast    時間: 2013-1-16 10:07 AM     標題: Triggerfish

Some fish, with their delicate features and calm poised attitudes, always appear ready for their close-ups. Others, like this teetering triggerfish, look like you’ve just snapped a Polaroid of them in the middle of wild weekend in Las Vegas.
To be fair, when expedition leader Enric Sala took this photo, the fish was essentially in the middle of a bath, getting the spa treatment from a tiny cleaner fish visible just below its eyes.

This triggerfish may have a comical appearance, but the wavelike motion of its fins and the peaceful inter-species partnership it’s displaying with the cleaner fish below its eyes add an unexpected level of beauty and inspiration.

I saw the same behavior (and perhaps even the same fish) today as I dove with our fish experts Jenn Caselle from Marine Science Institute, UC Santa Barbara, and Alan Friedlander of the US Geological Survey and University of Hawaii as they laid out rope and tape measures and identified and counted every fish that passed by that line.

At one point Alan signaled to me and pointed into the distance. There, its colors fading into blue from from all the water between us, was a triggerfish just like this one Enric had photographed up close the day before. Parasites were being nibbled off its body by an attendant cleaner fish.

As the cleaner fish did its work, the triggerfish rolled on its side, with its large top and bottom fins waving like the graceful wings of a manta ray. Having appreciated its comical qualities the day before, it was in a way humbling now to see it in person, moving beautifully, demonstrating peaceful inter-species partnership.

As Mark Hooper, one of our ship’s engineers said to me the other night, “It’s a beautiful planet we’ve got if you just take the time to look at it.”

作者: vandas    時間: 2013-1-17 03:10 AM

[attach]1999917[/attach] Clown Triggerfish

Triggerfish 扳機魚也叫也扳機鲀、炮彈魚。是一種鲀類,是鱗魨科約30種淺水海產魚類的統稱,廣布於熱帶海洋。體較高,一般體色豔麗,鱗大,口小,眼位高。共同特征是背鰭棘3個,前兩個被認為有如槍之扳機結構,故魚得名扳機魚,即第一棘豎起後,第二棘作為「扳機」從後嵌入卡住;第二棘必須先撤回原位,第一棘才能放平。第一棘粗大而強,當被卡於直立位時,可使魚牢牢固定在保護性的岩礁縫隙。


[attach]1999920[/attach] PicassoTriggerfish

Triggerfish 扳機魚 可分為許多種類,大多住在熱帶海域。它們身材扁平,好像在海裡游來游去的薄煎餅。體長不超過60釐米,長著鋒利的大背鰭。不要吃任何扳機魚,許多種類的肉是有毒的。

中文學名: 扳機魚
拉丁學名: triggerfish
別稱: 扳機鲀;炮彈魚
二名法: Balistidae
界: 動物界
門: 脊椎動物門
目: 鲀形目
科: 鲀科
屬: 扳機魚屬
種: 小醜扳機魚;灰色扳機魚
分布: 熱帶海域



灰色扳機魚(Balistes capriscus)是鲀形目的一個代表型


泰坦扳機魚 Titan Triggerfish

體較高,一般體色豔麗,鱗大,口小,眼位高。共同特征是背鰭棘3個,前兩個被認為有如槍之扳機結構,故魚得名扳機魚,即第一棘豎起後,第二棘作為「扳機」從後嵌入卡住;第二棘必須先撤回原位,第一棘才能放平。第一棘粗大而強,當被卡於直立位時,可使魚牢牢固定在保護性的岩礁縫隙。 扳機魚及其近親都具有不同尋常的各種形狀。有的看起來像是盒子,而另一些則像是足球或餐盤。有時,它們都共有一些人們很難看到的特征:例如小小的嘴巴,與眾不同的牙齒,還有脊突上相對較少的椎骨。這類魚大約有350 個屬種,並且在全世界都能見到它們,多數扳機魚生活在近海的淺水區。

有很多種。它門小小的口中有上下8顆像鑿刀一般尖銳有力的牙齒咬力甚強,連海膽等硬殼也能嚼碎。扳機魚又是一種領地觀非常強的魚類,特別在繁殖季節,為了保護巢區的安全,他們會襲擊任何接近的生物,包括潛水員,而且攻擊速度很快。 扳機魚 是和人一樣,晚上睡覺,白天活動的。扳機魚 雖然會咬人,但其實了解下它的習性也就不覺得危險了。

[attach]1999918[/attach] Queen Triggerfish

Titan triggerfish 泰坦扳機魚 (褐擬鱗魨)
褐擬鱗魨(學名:Balistoides viridescens),又稱技綠擬鱗魨、胡麻皮剝魨、黃褐砲彈、剝皮魚、褐擬板機魨,為鱗魨科擬鱗魨屬的魚類。分布於印度洋及太平洋的熱帶海內、在印度洋南達莫三鼻給的德拉果阿、北達紅海及印度的安達曼群島、東經馬來半島、印度尼西亞、菲律賓、往南到太平以及西沙群島和海南島等海域等,屬於暖水性魚類。該物種的模式產地在模里西斯。

作者: rainbowwinnie    時間: 2013-1-20 02:48 PM

作者: goodckck    時間: 2013-1-22 09:45 PM

作者: bigheadmanken    時間: 2013-1-29 11:02 AM

Appreciate your detail explanation. Pictures are exceptional!!

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