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I see bubu ar


本帖最後由 hi-new-gundam 於 2009-8-29 01:51 PM 編輯

344# bubu1109

The message below is what I have pm ndctim:


OIC, 兄弟幫寵物家族 and 少林寺 are of the same nature and can't be joint at the same time!

I am pretty sorry for that.  Since I have joint 少林寺 first, I don't think it's appropriate to leave simply in that way.  So, I would like to remain in 少林寺.

Actually bubu has sent me one set of 法神 with other items already, thinking me as a member of 兄弟幫寵物家族  and now I would return them because of this situation.

I'm embarrassed and deeply sorry for that.

[I would cc the above message to bubu in public]

********end of message

First I would like to approgize.  I should not ask to apply in that way, by not checking the situation beforehand.

And I need to thank you for you kind help.  And I will return all items to u later today!

To bubu1109 and ndctim:

我已向我幫族長「如來佛祖」求證,證實可以加入兄弟幫寵物家族,所以 bubu1109兄的禮物,小弟厚顏收下了,並盡快正式加入兄弟幫寵物家族,謝謝了!
請問「兄弟幫寵物家族」, 是否即是在家族門派中的「兄弟幫」, 族長是「假書僮」嗎?

請問「兄弟幫寵物家族」, 是否即是在家族門派中的「兄弟幫」, 族長是「假書僮」嗎?

hi-new-gundam 發表於 2009-8-30 02:11 AM
寵物區裡面的寵物家族,和論壇的家族門派是分開. 如果你想加入寵物家族,首先入 寵物區 ->按寵物家族 ->再按你想加入的寵物家族,

在裡面就會看到   申請加入  

I see bubu ar
blueocean 發表於 2009-8-29 01:09 PM
多謝bubu兄指示! 先前因為按下時等太久都未有反應, 所以未有進入過「寵物家族」分頁內, 現在已經申請了。

還要多謝你所贈物品, 已在使用中。
haha... bubu you are here~~ so surprise~~
don't know why..... os.tvbnow.com can't load-.-' so slow!!!!!
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
本帖最後由 ndctim 於 2009-8-30 02:39 PM 編輯

344# bubu1109 i gave him one set..... and he returned those to me..... he doesn't want my help

to [url=viewpro.php?username=hi-new-gundam]hi-new-gundam[/url]: 2009-08-30 06:06:50<-- this is the time i see on the record....... welcome~~ have fun~~
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
本帖最後由 hi-new-gundam 於 2009-8-30 03:26 PM 編輯

Thank you Tim!  各位師兄好!

小弟現在正式入族, 祝各師兄師姊~精靈趣緻,活潑可人!
bubu1109 發表於 2009-8-30 05:17 AM
都揾唔到, 咁就當然要放棄揾啦
你去 [TVB積分獵人區] 叫人幫你揾啦


blueocean該打的, what movie ar?
唉.....蛇年無咩運 :(
blueocean該打的, what movie ar?
ndctim 發表於 2009-8-31 01:06 PM
那套不找了,現在只想看一套戲叫  Q danny
blueocean該打的, what movie ar?
ndctim 發表於 2009-8-31 01:06 PM
what did I do wrong.......why bubu should hit me


那套不找了,現在只想看一套戲叫  Q danny
bubu1109 發表於 2009-8-31 07:31 PM

