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Burlington 1 - Waterfront 濱水湖岸

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本帖最後由 markhamwong 於 2016-7-29 07:14 PM 編輯
; x' B2 B1 t$ x3 H5 j. ^tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 A. ]: ~( ^9 Q1 E: p) ?
Burlington, is a city located in Halton Region at the western end of Lake Ontario. Burlington is part of the Greater Toronto Area, and is also included in the Hamilton Census Metropolitan Area.
4 P& H* F( Y/ i1 S" j6 q% lwww.tvboxnow.com
一個美麗的城市給安大略湖包圍. 有山有水,但不是非常繁忙的鬧市, 非常舒適的慢步行, 接下來的觀光點是RBG皇家植物園.值得參觀.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) e+ x# D3 N7 m. Z" w! f- g2 T0 ~
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( z; U! V' g' P- v4 f6 z! ^www.tvboxnow.com


  • SweetLemon

人一世, 物一世, 影番張相最實際.
這裡風景真是美麗 看到這裡湖水還有小船可以座享受大自然美景真是如此美妙又快樂逍遙又自在


這裡風景真是美麗 看到這裡湖水還有小船可以座享受大自然美景真是如此美妙又快樂逍遙又自在tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 B+ p0 `! f( `3 |0 H
KAIK7936 發表於 2016-7-31 08:12 AM
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb3 ]& O( G) _' u, [  E" r
Burlington - Situated on the shores of Lake Ontario and conveniently located between Toronto & Niagara Falls, the beautiful city of Burlington awaits, whether you are visiting for pleasure, attending a meeting, participating in a sport event or touring with your group.2 {( t' I: b" s
Nice water, Good sky.公仔箱論壇7 m: q. Q7 q& Q6 E& S0 F  ]0 V

