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While I was waiting all my friends ask mewhat happen and why? As a matter of fact I couldn’t tell them anything about that,because it supposes to be classified. On the other hand I may make them to joinus, but I still needed to wait for them to come here first. “When the timecomes, I will tell all of you the truth. But now don’t ask any more questions.”I said to them. After I said that, the people I want them to come were finallyhere. “You guys are late, if it’s me to lead; I only need to take 3mins to gethere.” I said. “I’m very sorry sir. We have to make sure this is real or not.” Theone who leads the team said. “Fine, this time I will forget about it, but nomore next time. You may course lots of people dead.” I said. “You guys knowwhat to do, start cleaning up and Alex; here are some people I want them tojoin us. You have 48 hours to do that.” “Yes, sir.” Alex said. “Youthere, prepare a ship, I’m going back now.” I said. “Roger that.” That mansaid. “Wait a sec; just tell me what really happen?” Wain said she is one of myfriends I met in this world; I treat her like my older sister. “I told youearlier, I will explain it to you later.” I said “But I want to know now, isthere something you hide from me?” she said. “As a matter of fact, there issomething you should not know, just like those aliens I killed earlier, theyare not suppose to show their true form here.” I said. “So what else you arehide from me, tell me everything now, I don’t want to wait anymore.” She said. “Sir,your ship is ready.” Someone said. “Got it, ready for launch when I am onboard,got that?” I said “Yes sir, right away sir!” he said. “All I can say is, whenthe time comes, you will know! However if you really want to know now, you haveto give up everything here! So you still want to know now?” I said. “Well, I’mnot sure I want to give up my dreams, but still can I know the truth?” Wainsaid. “Okay than, I will tell you the truth, so come with me, sis.” I said thenwe get on the plane, that’s what they call in the inside-world, we take off andheading to the exit of the inside-world.