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[疑難求助] 3gs can't update to 4.01

唔知點解部 3gs update 唔到... 我部機係全原裝, 冇jb.. 咩都冇搞過. 依家用緊313.... 但前兩日一直想升4.01, 試左好多次都唔得, 等成半粒鐘等佢dl 完會個4.01之後, 就會彈個野出黎話唔知咩網絡超時, 又叫我確定internet 是否連線或稍後再試.... 已經係不同時間試左十次有多都仲係唔得..

我個itunes 已經升左9.2... 又試過鏟左itunes 重新dl 裝過個itunes 先至再update都係一樣唔得... 有冇人知點解決??thx...
me 2, but mine is 3G. Then i tried another PC, upgrade successful...  but all backups are still in the previous PC, when i tried to restore or search for upgrade, that message still pop up...i did uninstall itune and reinstall, still not work....i dont know how to fix though...
我的3G 升级到4.0.1 全都OK,我不知香港是怎么升级的。可以参照这个http://bbs.weiphone.com/read-htm-tid-862081.html
但是我现在还是降级 3.1.2 。 4.0.1太慢了