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  cute ar ~~~~
人生不在乎得到什麼, 只在乎做過什麼!
ok ar
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唔錯唔錯~~:onion14: www.tvboxnow.com, c9 i/ z# m2 M3 w; Y+ A7 d
your way to beautiful girl
3 x! q8 ^4 [2 Y7 G0 D. s  wthat's why it will never work / D; [* y" S9 g
you had me suicidal, suicidal
& ]% H# I7 T1 i/ Y+ wwww.tvboxnow.comwhen you say it's over
7 G2 c! i4 `2 S+ v, Mdamn all these beautiful girl 4 W, T$ e, E' `
they only wanna do you dirt www.tvboxnow.com! [7 R1 j5 h  L9 ^1 S" \
they'll have you suicidal suicidal
shes w/in my acceptable range  :014:
another kawai type of gurl~  support ~:onion18:
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