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Healthy Dessert

 ,  描述: chrysanthemum agar-agar
6 @) b' R8 n: N% o5 L5 y0 wMethod:2 N- h% i! G! j0 w" l6 d
  • Put the Chrysanthemum into water to make it softer. Then peel off the flowers and throw away the middle part.
  • Put the Agar-agar into water (If you are not using the powder form) to make it softer. Cut them shorter so that can go into the pot.
  • Put the Kei Chi into water to make it softer. If your kei chi gets bigger in size, cut it smaller.
  • Put the pot at the stove.
  • Pour in water (Usually the amount of water needed is written on the packaging. You can adjust according to your needs).
  • Put in NUMBER 2 and stir till dissolved.
  • Add Sugar (According to your sweetness). And stir till dissolved.
  • Add NUMBER 1 and NUMBER 3 and stir.
  • Keep stirring so that won't stick to pot or burn.
  • When all done. Pour into mould. Rest it awhile and put into the fridge for setting.
The quantity of each is up to you. Make sure the agar-agar is dissolved otherwise you can still get to eat the strips. After a few times trial and error, you'll get it right. Have fun!
4 X3 Z: j' Y: Swww.tvboxnow.com; Q4 V8 ?- ?% C
[ 本帖最後由 wjolene 於 2008-2-22 02:18 AM 編輯 ]
thx for sharing!!! :onion14:
thank you for sharing
通常用桂花, 因為香味比較重
原帖由 moxfactor 於 6/2/2008 10:30 AM 發表 公仔箱論壇) I* ?6 ^& m' J" N* l* z8 H
通常用桂花, 因為香味比較重
7 \. R0 W) g" X0 V% |& Q
+ G. L8 s8 g% p) _www.tvboxnow.comafter translation: " B+ C9 `! z, O# b. Q
Usually osmanthus, because heavy flavor公仔箱論壇3 v3 Y( N$ S/ G# [/ V; d7 Y

; w- k: [) h3 K公仔箱論壇--------------& Z* w4 W$ x" z5 j8 m# }5 Y& {

9 N1 X$ S, }; B9 h, A7 pi think you always use another type of flower
there's another version of this, if you want to know, pm me
thank you.