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Lakers await Denver's next move


After a solid Game 1 victory, Lakers know the Nuggets will makeadjustments. And L.A. may already be plotting a response of its own.


The first blow was solidly landed by the Lakers. Now come twodays to watch, scheme and plan for the counterpunch before Wednesday'sGame 2 against the Denver Nuggets.


If the Lakers are headed for some tweaks after Sunday's Game 1victory -- largely over their shot selection and transition defense --Denver is due for even more head scratching and decisions to make.


One problem for the Nuggets is how to cover Lakers center PauGasol, who was freed up to amass 36 points, 16 rebounds and eightassists.


Even Gasol was somewhat amazed at the ease with which the laneparted for him. "At times, at times," he repeated, adding. "But I don'tthink about it during the game. I'm just trying to take advantage ofit."


That, he did.


"Obviously, [Denver] tried to double or load up a side on me,"Kobe Bryant said at practice today, "and we do a good job of moving thebasketball or hitting the open man out of that and Pau was able to makethem pay."


It could mean less attention will be paid to Bryant and more onthe Lakers cast by Denver, something Lakers Coach Phil Jackson said isa possibility.


"I don't know what the strategies are to do that exactly,"Jackson said. "Play him individually and hope for the best is probablywhat you have to do, but we feel in those situations our system and ouroffense helps us out."


Center DJ Mbenga took a shot to his ribs while playing a half-court game near the end of practice.


He lay on the court for several minutes, surrounded byteammates, and was taken to a hospital for X-rays. . . . Forward RonnyTuriaf, still feeling the effects of a sore throat that limited him tothree minutes Sunday in Game 1 of the playoffs against Denver, was senthome from practice.


There is no Shaquille O'Neal clogging the middle. No big-shot Robert Horry.


These Lakers differ from those of the three-peat era, perhaps for the better, according to Derek Fisher, a link to both.


"In terms of the past, Shaq's presence and his dominance andconfidence -- a lot of times that was infectious," Fisher said. "AndKobe in those years growing into the superstar that he really became .. . was infectious for a team. Often times, those two guys, because ofhow confident they were and the energy they gave us, energized the restof the team.


"Our team currently is not built that way. Kobe is obviously ourleader in terms of statistically carrying us every night and a lot oftimes his passion and energy is the determining factor in how we play.But the balance of our team is much more widespread compared with ourteams in the past. We have 10, 11, 12 guys sometimes on this team thatcan realistically help us win games. That's not something we had theluxury of possessing before."


Fisher, who is playing with a partial tear of a tendon in hisright foot, added that he intends to find a middle ground betweenresting it and practicing to remain sharp.


"The benefit about the playoffs is you have at least one day offin between games and give yourself a chance to recover," he said. "Butsometimes, like in these first three games [against Denver], you havetwo or three days off before games, so there will be an opportunity forme to rest the day after a game . . . and then kind of work my way backinto things . . . and make sure I'm keeping my rhythm up."



  • kingjames



  • kingjames

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