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原帖由 creamy 於 2007-3-2 05:30 AM 發表。 7 N0 w% @( X$ S+ G3 ^
waa really long time no c ar... maybe i should start postin picpics bk in here again 2 lol...公仔箱論壇& a) t3 G3 W" }& a/ a2 c2 i% I3 \+ Z3 S
sup. u as usuall la^^
5 M  Q$ i& Y! i# f公仔箱論壇
3 [+ m7 C! {! N+ n* Z公仔箱論壇對耶...妳也很久沒post了..
原帖由 bhcc909394 於 2007-3-2 02:12 AM 發表。 
* z# l4 b4 v4 G/ zdamn Man. YOU LOOK LIKE SUCH A GENTLEMNN AND A HANDSOME dude. even though i have more muscle than yuo but i look 10x worst than you do=) GOGO 爸打!!
7 P- S. w8 T- _公仔箱論壇" `( _% [, j" v  w. R
幾好樣。。需要多D肌肉~~可能HK唔興肌肉。。 不過OK嘅