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細細過就睇過佢在ATV的演出,覺得佢好有潛力. 果然,演左幾年戲,佢進步左好多. ATV呢幾年管理好似唔係幾好,talent一個個走,讓我覺得ATV實係變成了演員們的training ground. TVB雖然唔係最好的, 但的確是較好的演出平台. 今次輪到陳煒跟萬綺雯兩大ATV阿姐轉台,希望TVB好好珍惜,唔好再走寶了!期待陳煒在TVB更多的作品!
I agree. Best wish to them..
most of atv best drama are good becasue of ex-tvb actors.
1 J6 t1 k$ K# K- X3 M% K
1 J7 g- R& h2 h9 p& uwww.tvboxnow.comthere is a couple of good atv actors, I think after this 2, they got no more.
kenneth chan is not bad too, but if i remember correctly he didn't have much chance while in tvb, so he returned to atv.
本帖最後由 cocherrie 於 2013-1-17 10:44 PM 編輯
% R, h& X. T; U  Btvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
/ r" z6 t- W, Z) J- i" b) K5 X$ t9 vis this chan wai's first project with tvb?
Chan wai is good, woman smell.
She looks like Anita Mui so much !!
quite impressive, 不過冇特別鍾意...
1# cocherrie tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; [6 `% B" {1 g2 d4 T

( Z' W) F, j' E; K8 v4 Z6 BYeahh!! do not let them go!!