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Thanks for your sharing 錦繡未央 第57集 !
☞得人恩果千年記 得人花戴萬年香
感謝樓主分享ep57 ~
Thank you
首播日期: 2017.01.23
北魏時期,北涼公主心兒遭逢巨變國破家亡。流落異鄉之時,北魏太傅遺棄在鄉下的庶女李未央,為救心兒而遭殺害。心兒逐以李未央之名回到太傅府,與仇敵叱雲氏一族鬥智鬥勇,並意外捲入與北魏皇 ...
whyhung 發表於 2017-1-23 08:37 PM
Thx for sharing, 但 EP57 好似 dl 唔到~
This's the best episode I've ever seen
thank you for your sharing
great sharing,support.
Thanks for sharing
thank you  
thanks for sharing
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much for the sharing, keep up the good work.
Thanks for your sharing 錦繡未央 第58集 !
☞得人恩果千年記 得人花戴萬年香