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[更新MP4] (翡翠台) 《2018香港小姐競選決賽+後生仔睇完港姐傾吓偈》 [2018-08-26][HDTV-RMVB-480P+MP4-720P][粵語中字]

 ,  描述: (TVBOXNOW原創) - 農夫 鄭裕玲
首播日期: 2018.08.26
二十位候選佳麗華麗登場,透過展現美態、智慧、禮儀,爭取big big fun用戶的票數,還有一眾由陳百祥帶領的星級評判團的分數,務求連番通過三輪淘汰,成為三強!大會司儀鄭裕玲、農夫引導佳麗進行各個表演項目,還有一些後援「後生仔」或「兄弟」司儀隨時補上,為佳麗炮製突發難題,考驗一眾佳麗的急才及臨場反應。三強佳麗排名100%由觀眾決定,記得透過big big fun應用程式支持心水佳麗!


【檔案大小】 : 1.37GB (2018香港小姐競選決賽) + 186MB (後生仔睇完港姐傾吓偈) / 1.71GB (2018香港小姐競選決賽) + 307MB (後生仔睇完港姐傾吓偈)
【影片格式】 : HDTV-RMVB-480P  (852x480) / MP4-720P (1280x720)
【發音語言】 : 粵語
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕
【監      製】 : 何小慧        
【編      審】 : 文月清, 黃華倫        
【主      持】 : 農夫  鄭裕玲

HDTV-MP4-720P (1280x720)
TVBOXNOW 2018香港小姐競選決賽.torrent (75.12 KB)
TVBOXNOW 後生仔睇完港姐傾吓偈.torrent (30.54 KB)

HDTV-RMVB-480P  (852x480)
TVBOXNOW 2018香港小姐競選決賽.torrent (61.42 KB)
TVBOXNOW 後生仔睇完港姐傾吓偈.torrent (21.03 KB)
Thank you very much for all of your input; your courage, your effort, your effectiveness, your hard work, your professionalism, your dedication and your sophistication in the achievement of this TV program.  This is a very very difficult task.  Your every effort, every hard work, and every persistence have made this impossible phenomenon event become available to us.  You are definitely recognized.  You have all of my support.
first to say hi and thx for recording and sharing!
first to say hi and thx for recording and sharing!
thanks for sharing
thanks for sharing
thanks a lot
thanks for sharing
1# Anonymous

thanks for the super speed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1# Anonymous THANKS
thank you
Thanks for sharing