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Hello Cafe friends. I am back
bchew 發表於 2011-2-5 02:03 PM
You have enough points. You don't need any more. You are 星級武將 already.
Only me need 换功勳
what is 功勳 ? can eat or not?
bchew 發表於 2011-2-5 02:20 PM
Blueblue, you really don't know how to溝女
Orchids honey don"t be too mean to Blueblue
Here is better 5-10C, but rained a lot.
Seattle will snow 2-3 times a year. Most of it are small. But 2 years ago Seattle had a big snow storm that frozen the city for whole month.
They will play the bowl game at all weather, even snow. Except too too cold, no one will go watch it.
Look like Australia is hard luck and have a bad year. A lot of trouble storm went there.
Lilitan, Are you OK when it is flooding?
Cord, I know Australian government set a new tax to fix the flood. Do you need to pay for it?
luckily my area is not affected by floods....

lilitan008 發表於 2011-2-6 03:52 PM
But still affected your normal daily life, right?
OK You guys, I need to go sleep now.
Good night
Good night Chowold dear,sleep well !!!
orchids 發表於 2011-2-6 07:01 PM
Honey,your time to sleep, my time to say good night to you. You sleep well too.
Good morning Bchew, You didn't go out today?