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May be consider giving the dog raw bone every couple days. It is more expensive but it is a lot less stressful to the dog and yourself. (MUST BE RAW bone)
Mallow bone is great, but the cut up spine of pork or beef are just as good.

I use to give her a large piece and she tend to dig/bury in the garden. Then I realize I can ask the butcher to cut it up in his machine. (tell him that you have a small dog) Then just give a small piece to the dog every couple days. She tends to finish the whole thing. Talk to your vet, I am sure he/she would recommend it.

Disadvantage: The unfinished bone that she left on the floor. It is very painful (for me) if you step on it at night. e.g. run to kitchen for a glass of water on bare feet.


  • lovingvenus
