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找到2種紅蜻蜓 :

The Red-veined Darter or Nomad (Sympetrum fonscolombii) is a dragonfly of the genus Sympetrum. It is a common species in southern Europe and from the 1990s onwards has increasingly been found in northwest Europe, including Britain and Ireland. Its name is sometimes spelt fonscolombei instead of fonscolombii but Askew (2004) gives the latter as the correct spelling. There is genetic and behavioural evidence that S. fonscolombii is not closely related to the other members of the Sympetrum genus and will at some time in the future be removed from this genus.

非洲紅蜻蜓(學名Trithemis kirbyi),原產於非洲納米比亞、阿爾及利亞、安哥拉、貝南、波札那、布吉納法索、葛摩、剛果民主共和國、象牙海岸,亦常見於南歐、中東、印度洋島嶼。棲息於亞熱帶或熱帶潮濕低地森林。

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