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Hot Tips to Feng-shui your workplace - 热门方法风水化你的工作室! **必胜**

 ,  描述: 风水教学 - 分享
Let me ask you how many hours you spend in office per day?
Maybe some of you answer that 70~80% of your waking hours
or maybe some of you grumble that "日出而作, 日入而息" is your voice.

Observed and confirmed many of us spend most of our time in office, so it is impretative to map out a plan to have a harmonious work environment. Functioning in a properly feng-shui(风水) office makes a world of difference to productivity and interpersonal relationships. I'm sure you will enjoy coming to work. Harmony at the workplace diffuses bitchiness, reduces politicking and minimizes gossip-things that can trigger much unhappiness and hence jeopardize your health or in-directly hurt your close friends. Good feng-shui in your personal space helps you achieve recognition and promotion as well as to ignite your career luck. Given such benefits, can anyone afford NOT to ensure their workspace has been properly feng-shui-ed?

Below are the 12 hot tips to Feng-Shui your workspace.
1) Watch you back(小心你的背后)
2) Avoid sitting facing a wall(切记面墙)
3) Displaying a rooster(摆放一个公鸡像)
4) Displaying a crystal sphere to absorb negative Chi(摆放水晶球压制厄磁场)
5) Avoid being in a confrontation setting arragement(避免对立的坐位安排)
6) Choose the right chair(选择适当的椅子)
7) Do not sit too near to the door(切记坐在门的旁边)
8) Tidy up the clutter(井井有条)
9) Beware of hidden storage(小心隐藏不见的杂物)
10) Avoid sharp edges(避免尖角)
11) Work with good lighting(灯光充沛)
12) Sit facing your Sheng Chi(朝向生气之位)

To be continued.