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ok...what i can tell u is..
some of compaq model format xp will got blue screen problems..
how to solve it...
actually just format more few times it will run nicely..
and why your win vista got this kind problems...
1stly u format back win vista and try before anot ?
try to format back win vista and try it...
if still got same problems...
try to mark down the bluescreen msg...
and post it here...

[ 本帖最後由 cocacola87 於 2009-4-18 01:45 PM 編輯 ]
原帖由 aylwinlim 於 2009-4-20 01:05 PM 發表
... i install the winxp onli got blue screen, but i install the win vista h.basic  auto restart 2nd time onli can goin windows? i oso dont how to slove it oledi...
your win vista always open also got this kind problems?
u can press F8 to safe mode and select disable automatic restart on systems failure
and post the blue screen message at here
原帖由 aylwinlim 於 2009-4-20 03:51 PM 發表
the bluescreen i know how to slove oledi, bcoz i asking the hp company...
and i go www.hp.com.my to see tht say mayb is the h.d.d problem but i still dont how to slove.
then u must have a hard disk to swap and test weather is the hard disk problems
原帖由 aylwinlim 於 2009-4-21 09:02 AM 發表
yalol!! now i no have extra hdd to check......
then good luck for you
that means your hdd got problems
if got warranty try to send back...
if dun have then need to buy new hdd