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k23bb 發表於 2010-11-7 10:53 PM
你邉度咁大风吹到头发都散嗮。。。我觉觉猪ge lo。。。。
Good Morning Good Afternoon Good Evening.
Looks like good weather out there.
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870# SweetLemon

what is that ?
bchew 發表於 2010-11-8 07:59 AM
The new guessing game in Nature forum lor....Looks like one church and one mosque.
You go look and see if you know.
本帖最後由 SweetLemon 於 2010-11-8 08:29 AM 編輯

好耐無入嚟喇...good morning lemon...
cammy8080 發表於 2010-11-8 07:54 AM
Good late afternoon Cammy...
I like every song that posted here.  She is good.
878# bchew

Saturday TVBox forum went haywired, like swept off by hurricane.  Forums missing, people got banned, TVBmoney and merits points gone....KB is one of the victim lor...he got banned and cancelled...Read here:http://www.tvboxnow.com/forum-15-1.html
何韻詩 鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的

花語 Flower's whispering
早晨 Hooi Gor...
本帖最後由 SweetLemon 於 2010-11-8 10:06 AM 編輯
Bet you didn't know that one.
I know here or even in the movies people left their gas stove on by accident, then a flicked of light switch will have the house explodes.  
Also in New Zealand they try to imposed methane gas tax to sheep farmers by the numbers of sheep they have, claming the shit from sheep has produced enough gas to pollute the air.
It got people very upset and start send sheep dung to the congress....I dont the outcome of the event.  It was very funny when I read it few years ago....
Jenny Tseng-楓葉情.

一年容易又秋天   又見到楓葉一片片  你那紅紅的笑臉   要比楓葉還更嫻艷…  
叫我對你又愛又憐   我們常在楓林裡流連流連  愛在你我心裡纏綿纏綿  
一片楓葉一片情   片片都有我愛和憐  朝朝幕幕直到永遠……  
我愛美麗的秋天   我更愛楓葉一片片  要在片片的楓葉上   寫下我倆的心願…  
但願倆情永遠不變   你帶給我柔情萬千萬千  我帶給你愛意無限無限  
一片楓葉一片情   願你常記在心田  歲歲年年天上人間
889# SweetLemon
Who is Jenny Tseng?甄妮 ?
chowold2 發表於 2010-11-8 11:15 AM
Yes 甄妮 - I like her version even 鳳飞飞 is good too.
889# SweetLemon  

Good Morning  --- Sweet
km8000 發表於 2010-11-8 11:07 AM
Going to Good afternoon soon...
本帖最後由 SweetLemon 於 2010-11-8 11:31 AM 編輯

I am seeing double....
Got one more hour to goof off wor....10,30 instead of 11.30 no time change here..
Almost lunch time - thinking of going Laksa...its way of my area la...
If you know what is Laksa....
That is a new song for me, I like it
Funniest thing from you.  I bet you never watched those 林青霞 and 秦汉 movie too.LOLOLOl....