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四大才子, 四哥, long time no c
happy dragon year 2012
nite nite...bedtime for me

四大才子, 大哥,二哥, and the yuk she lam fung 三哥, also long time no c bo...
四哥, do u like fishing more or rock n roll more?
U a guitarist?
catch salmon n eat salmon sashimi n salmon roe on boat haha!
fresh from the ocean...
nite nite 啦啦 才子
我只要美人鱼, tulang kasi lu
lilitan008 發表於 2012-1-11 02:33 AM
tulang berkhasiat boleh masak sup yang enak ....dan ada banyak kalsium, baik untuk tulang u
lala ge go fishing with hooi ge, toyo n 二 ge?
catch big fish to make lo sang yue sang for chinese new year yan yat ( 人日)
Linlin tulang di tangan cat cat ( linlin bone in cat cat's hand)
cat cat finish eating fish oledi
lilitan008 發表於 2012-1-11 10:12 PM
啦啦佬 catch fish make the 鹹魚 club
wah wah! jung geng gor tofu club bo!

啦啦佬versus 豆付佬...good ball game...winner give hung pao haha!

loose pai chin$$
which more stinky ah?
mui heong 鹹魚 or 臭豆腐 more smelly ka?

have always love the big big sea, but no fishing for me haha!
u envy Fai Gor chow chow

Happy BD
lala happy new year