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本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2011-12-29 09:42 AM 編輯

Happi NY 2012 & Chinese NY Cat Gong Jiok, cck, siew choy sun, misery, lemon & av1
av1 shopping n spending for the NY n chinese NY...atfter the festive seasons wld be better
vandas ocean boy say hello to u at hooige's house

last page

nice n with cheerful with NY spirits cool
lilitan008 發表於 2011-12-31 12:19 AM
lazy linlin
我啱啱番嚟 条街人山人海..  

cat cat ... 有冇出街? ...
misery98 發表於 2011-12-31 12:23 AM
NY the streets r not crowded, today (it is only Fri 30th in NY)...except the shopping malls
n the bars, n restaurants. Whenever, it occurred to be a long weekend ( holiday during
the weekend), New Yorkers, go away, out of town, or go home ( quite a percentage of
New Yorkers working in NY are not locals)...so it is near quiet alot of times.
Happy NY linlin misery n catcat
so, how u celebrate NY ?
lilitan008 發表於 2011-12-31 12:36 AM
Countdown, fireworks, parties, booze, clubs,descent dinner, fine dinning, bars...n for the chinese from china hot pot at home( da bin lo)
n for the rich...fly away to some warmer climate zones for the long weekend holiday...
yesterday was freezing, today is so much warmer
many also stay home, watch tv too hahaha!