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D臭男人一旦知道我住日本第一個反應就係AV, N年前如此, N年後都如此
男人, 膚淺!!
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-6-26 07:25 AM
Japan is the Home of Haro Kiti white

Maneko Neko (lucky Cat) come from Japan

Japan loved Cat Family ..hehehe
av1 吃 good taste 豆腐...lor...in Tofu Club...even Du Fu eat tofu too online
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-6-26 08:53 PM
dun know meh, have cat cat got tofu boss la.
tis av body know wor
海妹妹 r u fr HK or MY
Tofu boss send a video to u, teach u how to make the perfect HK  congee breadfast for cat cat hah..

cat cat uncle tofu shy away...tofu boss hiding oledi
aiya uncle tofu come out la...   
what do you think??
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-6-26 09:41 PM
i got no idea bo...kimmi cannot read chinese leh...most of the time just guess what u guys talking hahaha!
wah tofu boss come out oledi ..tofu boss 亿岁亿亿岁
lhy92725 發表於 2012-6-26 09:44 PM
yeah i promised i try to do more chinese...kimmi's name have gd credit haha
豆腐老老好老 good old tofu hahaha!
you graduated from  malay school??
me from malaysia
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-6-26 09:56 PM
no leh..
i live a few yrs in My n i went to school there, when i was a kid..pre school n elementary haha! During those yrs i speak n write fluent Bahasa, coz everything in bahasa. then i went back to sg., had a tough time catching up english...n chinese so i gave up chinese to concentrate on my english. Now i cannot remember much Bahasa except simple ones. I am not good with chinese or Bahasa...only speak n read n write proper english not even singlish or manglish.
hello Tofu n av1

what is BME n BML ah
lhy92725 發表於 2012-6-30 07:09 PM
  torres or baro telli tofu boss, win big money
uncle tofu, like coffee ma

freshly made, brewed n served 4 tofu boss, fine rare cat coffee to greet u morning