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* i7 T) O% D0 C2 Utvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
Lovely post, like a mellow tapestry, so poetic.
; @" @: K4 y5 F# J9 d3 c4 b: jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇% S) K1 q! f! |. s# G
Pardon my low level of Chinese literacy,
& P) t; U- }; L6 U- d& ~4 _' E: cI don't understand the wordings in the third post,www.tvboxnow.com" t) y6 k7 L- d# z& _/ e
some body help me out please.www.tvboxnow.com% j+ ]3 ~$ F3 c4 s. _# [( J

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norman.ho 發表於 2016-12-21 07:21 AM
can you read chinese?
5 U! e, O' d+ z. r4 y驚蟄,古代中國與現代日本稱「啟蟄」,是二十四節氣中第三個節氣,指太陽到達黃經345°時,在公歷每年3月5日或3月6日。《月令七十二候集解》:「二月節……萬物出乎震,震為雷,故曰驚蟄,是蟄蟲驚而出走矣。」tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ W; ~8 m, w3 Z) c/ ?
3 {2 g2 o! i! a# T9 O3 h1 {+ Q. e0 q% \2 D5 k. i" m
1 Z2 @% \) h/ I) \) t9 rwww.tvboxnow.com漢朝第六代皇帝漢景帝的諱為「啓」,為了避諱而將「啟」改為了當時發音不同但略近的「驚」字。但因為意思從「開始」變成了「驚醒」,時序略有不合,因此孟春正月的驚蟄與仲春二月節的「雨水」的順序也被置換。同樣的,「穀雨」與「清明」的順次也被置換。
1 ~" |+ O, O% Q  V0 K
  • 漢初以前 立春 ⇒ 啓蟄 ⇒ 雨水 ⇒ 春分 ⇒ 穀雨 ⇒ 清明
  • 漢景帝代 立春 ⇒ 雨水 ⇒ 驚蟄 ⇒ 春分 ⇒ 清明 ⇒ 穀雨
5 e% U# p; N+ M# q7 }公仔箱論壇時間可利用NASA的噴氣推進實驗室線上曆書系統來計算每年太陽到達視黃經345°即驚蟄點位置時的精確時間(精確到秒),而不用查萬年曆,因為萬年曆中有關二十四節氣的交節時間很可能不準確。
4 w  J! U* \# [3 Y8 c物候
  • 桃始華:,果名,花色紅,是月始開。
  • 倉庚鳴:。庚,亦作鶊,黃鸝也。《》所謂「有鳴倉庚」是也。
    • 章龜經》曰:「倉,清也;庚,新也。感春陽清新之氣而初出,故名。」其名最多;
    • 《詩》曰「黃鳥」,齊人謂之「搏黍」,又謂之「黃袍」,僧家謂之「金衣公子」,其色鵹黑而黃,又名鵹黃,諺曰:「黃栗畱黃鶯」,鶯兒皆一種也。
  • 鷹化為鳩:,蟄鳥也,鷂鸇之屬;鳩,即今之布穀
    • 《章龜經》曰:「仲春之時,林木茂盛,又喙尚柔,不能捕鳥,瞪目忍饑,如痴而化,故名曰鳲鳩。」
    • 王制》曰:「鳩化為鷹,秋時也。」此言鷹化為鳩,春時也。以生育肅殺氣盛,故鷙鳥感之而變耳。
    • 孔氏曰:「化者,反歸舊形之謂。」故鷹化為鳩,鳩復化為鷹,如田鼠化為鴽,則鴽又化為田鼠;
    • 若「腐草為螢」,「雉為蜃」,「爵為蛤」,皆不言化,是不再複本形者也。

/ ~, R' n  ~3 z4 o4 z6 V1 ]8 ~+ ^/ I5 v4 K4 q2 h
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 v/ z9 ]  h; B

( B, L1 h) P8 x- G  A. Owww.tvboxnow.com
: N5 |, M! ~7 @, _: W  |  t: wwww.tvboxnow.com" ~; x1 n5 K& z* j9 Y% G2 r% h3 [
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ c( O$ }+ C  A; W  U1 `
: j( ?+ }1 W) \+ k7 EJingzhewww.tvboxnow.com8 ^+ Q) O$ i+ ]! b; f' K
Jīngzhé, Keichitsu, Gyeongchip, or Kinh trập(traditional Chinese: 驚蟄; simplified Chinese: 惊蛰; pinyin: jīngzhé; Japanese: 啓蟄; rōmaji: keichitsu; Korean: 경칩; romaja: gyeongchip; Vietnamese: kinh trập; literally: "awakening of insects") is the 3rd of the 24 solar terms (節氣) in the traditional East Asian calendars. It begins when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 345° and ends when it reaches the longitude of 360°. More often, it refers to the day when the Sun is exactly at a celestial longitude of 345°. In the Gregorian calendar, it usually begins around March 5 and ends around March 20.公仔箱論壇1 @: T1 j8 F- k! p, N
The word 驚蟄 means the awakening of hibernating insects. is to start and means hibernating insects. Traditional Chinese folklore says that during Jingzhe, thunderstorms will wake up the hibernating insects, which implies that the weather is getting warmer.www.tvboxnow.com2 s. a: e. T. n6 c4 C3 p0 Q
PentadsDate and Time (UTC)yearbeginend辛巳2001-03-05 12:322001-03-20 13:30
, d1 i  g2 H$ b  ~+ M壬午2002-03-05 18:272002-03-20 19:16/ d' s& t3 f3 E, W0 g4 B  v
癸未2003-03-06 00:042003-03-21 00:59
: ^& H, A! b+ V3 h3 @8 _  ~www.tvboxnow.com甲申2004-03-05 05:552004-03-20 06:48
6 x# |3 g( j" m) ]tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb乙酉2005-03-05 11:452005-03-20 12:33tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* l; h# r  M7 P3 L4 G% A
丙戌2006-03-05 17:282006-03-20 18:25
% ~, q9 R' Y( i0 i% N4 q丁亥2007-03-05 23:182007-03-21 00:07tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ w  E, i# r# O9 f& o
戊子2008-03-05 04:582008-03-20 05:48公仔箱論壇5 j2 }0 w0 }8 d& b* n. m2 q2 {
己丑2009-03-05 10:472009-03-20 11:43
: z7 n( L4 f2 t# X' ^3 aTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。庚寅2010-03-05 16:462010-03-20 17:32
; p0 i) g2 w& Z4 D9 {$ [9 r& N辛卯2011-03-05 22:292011-03-20 23:20
& ^7 S& X5 Z" D* H. B5 STVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。壬辰2012-03-05 04:212012-03-20 05:14www.tvboxnow.com2 Q  F2 B9 b: Y* \2 a/ _# F; a5 I
癸巳2013-03-05 10:142013-03-20 11:01
* y8 K7 O1 [; g/ W公仔箱論壇甲午2014-03-05 16:022014-03-20 16:57# N. a0 e8 D' t1 ~8 z$ Z
Source: JPL Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System6 ]# U/ m2 a' l7 M% _/ Q

, S# |' U. ], P$ A' Atvb now,tvbnow,bttvb

0 G( i& A7 k& K9 e; \# N2 m- w0 F' {Each solar term can be divided into 3 pentads (候). They are the first pentad (初候), the second pentad (次候), and the third pentad (末候): Pentads in Jingzhe arewww.tvboxnow.com$ Q# A; h% n3 H6 y+ v$ R# R# L
  • First pentad: Japanese: 蟄虫啓戸 (Romanisation: Chitchū kei to), 'Awakening of hibernating insects'.
  • Second pentad: Japanese: 桃始笑 (Romanisation: Momo Hajime Emi), 'Peach trees start to bloom (smile)'.
  • Last pentad: Japanese: 菜虫化蝶 (Romanisation: Na mushi-ka chō), 'Caterpillars become butterflies'.