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Kobe Bryant: 'I got one more than Shaq'


Kobe Bryant: "I got one more (championship) than Shaq. You can take that to the bank."


HoopsVibe's Very Quick Call: Old wounds haven't healed, especially when dealing with the World Wars between Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal.


No surprise here, though. All playoff Bryant pretended - somewhat convincingly - he hadn't given much consideration to what a fifth championship would mean for his legacy (O'Neal has four championships).


HoopsVibe News respectfully calls bullsh*t on this.
Bryant isn't the devil most see him as. And he isn't a
saint, either. The truth, like most things, lies in the middle.


Bryant, in fact, is probably a somewhat normal person off the court. As such, he experiences normal emotions -like jealousy and anger. So on Thursday evening he couldn't resist taking a shot at his former partner turned rival in O'Neal.
Fair enough.


A word to the wise: critics should be prepared for Bryant to win his sixth championship because it's coming -and soon.


Got thoughts on Kobe's post game attack on Shaq?

科比在夺冠后对鲨鱼进行 “攻击”,你能否从中得出什么信息与结论呢?

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