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have a fun weekend doc cat
now is zzzzzzzzzzzzz 4 me oledi , 2330hrs NY..99 n 88 catcat chowchow henry n doc cat
wishing av1 a great day
Mankind have love, animals have affection.
The harmonious and beautiful world is revealed.

friends r not a big thing, it is a million small things
wishing u a merry xmas n every goodwill for d season
friends r not a big thing, it is a million small things
doc cat got many visitors today, merry xmas doc cat n av1.  enjoy n hve fun in d hse of doc cat.
friends r not a big thing, it is a million small things
I almost thougt I come to a gentleman club, w all the fine gentlemen in the house.
How do u do lady cat cat n gentlemen in the house
friends r not a big thing, it is a million small things
Time flies, it 2013 oledi.  Wishing 2013 for you is like the enchanting fireworks of Vic Harbor beautiful,
enchanting and full of life n colors.
friends r not a big thing, it is a million small things
friends r not a big thing, it is a million small things
morning avi

  doc cat nice tie u got
friends r not a big thing, it is a million small things