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裘園棕櫚屋⋅The Palm House

建於1844~48年的棕櫚屋(The Palm House),是裘園裡最醒目的建築,也是目前全世界最重要的維多利亞時代玻璃鐵構式建築。 這座曲線型的玻璃屋由工程師透納(Richard Turner)及建築師布爾頓(Decimus Burton)所設計打造,其靈感實來自造船,那一條條鍛鐵就像把船的龍骨翻過來。 全世界70%的棕櫚都生長在熱帶雨林。棕櫚屋就仿照熱帶雨林的氣候,裡面蒐集自世界各地的棕櫚樹,其中有四分之一正遭受滅絕的危機。棕櫚屋裡不同空間種植著不同洲別的棕櫚,其中南翼是非洲,北翼有亞洲、澳洲和太平洋的棕櫚,中央則種有來自美洲及較高大的棕櫚。 值得一提的,棕櫚屋裡還有全世界最老的盆栽,那是一株蘇鐵,西元1775年就從南非被帶到裘園來,目前有4公尺高。除此之外,棕櫚屋的地下室也展示了來自世界各地的水生植物及海底生態。

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Dover Castle 多佛城堡

Dover Castle is a medieval castle in the town of the same name in the English county of Kent.
It was founded in the 12th century and has been described as the "Key to England" due to its defensive significance throughout history.
It is the largest castle in England.



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威爾斯公主溫室⋅The Princess of Wales Conservatory

威爾斯公主溫室(The Princess of Wales Conservatory)是裘園裡生態最複雜的溫室,從潮濕的紅樹林沼澤到乾燥的沙漠不毛之地,兩種極端氣候的植物可以同時存在於這裡,而光是這座溫室,就同時擁有10個不同微型氣候區,每個區域都極盡所能地模仿原始自然生態。威爾斯公主溫室之所以能充分還原原生地生態,當然要歸功於整座溫室的設計。不僅外觀造型極具設計感,技術上,更因為要取代26座較舊的溫室,所以特別設計了能讓不同氣候區植物生長在同一個屋頂的功能。尤其那種階梯式斜屋頂及無邊牆設計,不僅太陽光能充分被植物吸收,順著斜屋頂流下來的雨水,也可以貯存在地底5萬加侖容量的水槽裡。

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艾薩克·牛頓爵士,FRS(Sir Isaac Newton,1643年1月4日-1727年3月31日,英語發音[ˈaɪzæk ˈnjutən])[ 儒略曆:1642年12月25日-1727年3月20日] 是一位英格蘭物理學家、數學家、天文學家、自然哲學家和鍊金術士。他在1687年發表的論文《自然哲學的數學原理》裡,對萬有引力和三大運動定律進行了描述。這些描述奠定了此後三個世紀裡物理世界的科學觀點,並成為了現代工程學的基礎。他通過論證克卜勒行星運動定律與他的重力理論間的一致性,展示了地面物體與天體的運動都遵循著相同的自然定律;為太陽中心說提供了強有力的理論支持,並推動了科學革命。



本帖最後由 fls125 於 2012-7-5 09:15 PM 編輯

English folklore 英格兰民俗

English folklore is the folk tradition that has evolved in England over the centuries. England abounds with folklore, in all forms, from such obvious manifestations as semi-historical Robin Hood tales, to contemporary urban myths and facets of cryptozoology such as the Beast of Bodmin Moor.

Examples of surviving English folk traditions include the Morris dance and related practices such as the Abbots Bromley Thorn Dance and the Mummers Play. In many, usually rural places, people still gather for May Day festivals on the first of May to celebrate the beginning of summer. This traditionally involves local children skipping around a maypole - a large pole erected on the village green (historically a tree would have been specially cut down) - each carrying a coloured ribbon, resulting in a multi-coloured plaited pattern. The festival traditionally features Morris dancing and various festivities, culminating in the crowning of a 'May Queen'. Many regional variations of the festivals exist; the oldest still practised today is the "'Obby 'Oss festival of Padstow, which dates back to the 14th century. The utopian vision of a traditional England is sometimes referred to as Merry England.

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裘園大溫室⋅The Temperate House

大溫室(The Temperate House)是裘園裡最大的玻璃屋建築,比棕櫚屋還大上一倍。大溫室曾經名列世界最大的溫室,如今則可以稱為世界最大的維多利亞時代玻璃屋,設計者布爾頓(Decimus Burton)與棕櫚屋同一人。 大溫室裡面主要種植來自溫帶、亞熱帶較脆弱的木本植物,這些植物一直是裘園的主流。 在維多利亞時代,盛極一時的全球植物蒐集熱讓裘園原本的溫室空間迅速爆滿,終於在1859年促成了大溫室的興建。 溫室的正中央,有一株智利酒棕(Chilean winepalm)是世界上最大的室內植物,高16公尺,目前還在繼續生長當中。 從大溫室的北翼大門走進來,植物區域的分佈依序是亞洲、紐西蘭、澳洲、美洲、及非洲,其中不乏有些植物在原生地早已滅絕,卻依然健在於裘園的大溫室裡。
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本帖最後由 fls125 於 2012-7-6 08:48 AM 編輯

Chelsea Physic Garden 切尔西物理花园

London’s oldest botanic garden, Chelsea Physic Garden was founded in 1673 by the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries for the purpose of training apprentices in identifying plants. It subsequently became one of the most important centres of botany and plant exchange in the world.

Situated in the heart of London, Chelsea Physic Garden has a unique living collection of around 5,000 different edible, useful, medicinal and historical plants. This ‘hidden gem’ is also a peaceful green oasis in which to enjoy a relaxing stroll with an award-winning Café and a Book & Gift Shop.

同时,切尔西物理花园离伦敦的主要名胜景点只有几分钟的步行,那么,为什么不尽情享受这里的安宁呢? ...

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The Duke of Cambridge Organic Pub

獲獎無數的The Duke是英國第一家有機認證酒吧,不止提供健康美味的料理,也重視自然生態的永續經營。店內所有料理都使用當季、當地的有機食材,由倫敦近郊的小農新鮮送達,維持最低的食物里程以減少對環境的影響及能源浪費。根據季節及當天食材的不同,菜單也會每天更換,來這裡用餐總是充滿期待,不知今天出現在黑板上的料理是什麼。身為美食酒吧,除了美味料理,酒精飲料當然不可少!The Duke除了供應有機葡萄酒、雞尾酒,特別推薦倫敦附近釀造的有機啤酒。此外從麵包、冰淇淋,甚至醃菜纇食品也都是自家大廚們手工製作。
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Lambeth Palace 兰贝斯宫

兰贝斯宫也称兰柏宫(Lambeth Palace),是坎特伯雷大主教在伦敦的居所。全世界英国圣公会主教兰贝斯会议大约每10年在这里举行一次。

Lambeth Palace is the official London residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury in England. It is located in Lambeth, on the south bank of the River Thames a short distance upstream of the Palace of Westminster on the opposite shore. It was acquired by the archbishopric around 1200. It is bounded by Lambeth Palace Road to the west and Lambeth Road to the south.

The palace is now also home to Lambeth Palace Library, the official library of the Archbishop of Canterbury and principal holder of records for the history of the Church of England, founded as a public library by archbishop Richard Bancroft in 1610. This contains a vast collection of material relating to ecclesiastical history, including archbishops' and bishops' archives and papers relating to various Anglican missionary and charitable societies. The valuable collection of original manuscripts contains important material, some dating as far back as the 9th century. The various other collections contain material on an immense variety of topics from the history of art and architecture to colonial and Commonwealth history, and innumerable aspects of English social, political and economic history. The library is also a significant resource for local history and genealogy.

The library contains over 120,000 books as well as the archives of the Archbishops of Canterbury and other church bodies dating back to the 12th century.

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  • huhut6432gj

St. John Bread & Wine

它名氣不小,但卻沒有高傲的態度,它生意很好,但卻不賣太過精緻複雜的料理。位在東區邊緣的St. John,是一家當地人相當喜愛的道地英式餐廳,但它自家釀的葡萄酒,卻是連法國老饕也稱好的,因此它才敢大膽地以「麵包與酒」作為店招。各類自家烘培的麵包,限量供應地被擺在廚房前的吧台,用鹽去調製的海魚(Salt Ling)、雞肝片(Chicken Liver Toast)、豬肉菜凍(Brawn)等反倒成了「配麵包」的配角。St. John的熟客深知這家的麵包精采,因此特別慕名前來,點上一杯St. John 釀的Chardonnay白酒,好好品嚐麵包的滋味,這種吃法才是上道的行家。
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Warner Bros. Studios, Leavesden

好莱坞电影公司华纳兄弟(Warner Bros)斥资1亿英镑,在英国修建一个永久性的摄影棚基地,其中还包括对外开放的中心。
这个影视基地修建在现有的位于赫特福德郡(Hertfordshire)的利文斯登摄影棚(Leavesden Studio)周围。《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)系列的全部八部电影均在那里完成拍摄。

Warner Bros. Studios, Leavesden (formerly known as Leavesden Film Studios; colloquially Leavesden Studios or simply Leavesden), is a film and media complex owned by Warner Bros.. The studios and backlot sit on the site of the former Rolls-Royce factory at Leavesden Aerodrome, which was an important centre of aircraft production during World War II. It is situated in south west Hertfordshire approximately 18 miles (29 km) northwest of central London, in Abbots Langley.

Warner Bros. Studios, Leavesden, is one of only a few places in the U.K. where large scale productions can be made. The studios contain approximately 500,000 sq ft (50,000 m2) of flexible space which includes stage space, production office space and support buildings, along with an extensive 80-acre (320,000 m2) backlot which offers a 180 degree uninterrupted horizon, favourable for exterior sets.

“The Making of Harry Potter” Warner Bros. Leavesden Studio

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Fish & Chips

沒吃過英國的炸魚和薯條(Fish & Chips),怎麼能說自己來過英國!這道國民家常菜,幾乎每家店都有提供,但要找到好吃的可真不容易。聽名字就知道Pier 1是這方面的專家,一樓的冰箱陳列光澤粉嫩的新鮮漁獲,先挑動你的食欲,食物一上桌,光是份量就能加分,一口咬下,酥脆外皮,鱈魚入口即化,一點點檸檬的酸,正好調和口中的油膩,搭配塔塔醬和豆泥,果然令人心滿意足。不愛油炸的人,也可以試試烤鮭魚或其他海鮮。
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Old Portsmouth

Portsmouth is the second largest city in the ceremonial county of Hampshire on the south coast of England. Portsmouth is notable for being the United Kingdom's only island city; it is located mainly on Portsea Island. It is situated 64 miles (103 km) south west from London and 19 miles (31 km) south east from Southampton.

As a significant naval port for centuries, Portsmouth is home to the world's oldest dry dock still in use and also home to some famous ships, including HMS Warrior, the Tudor carrack Mary Rose and Lord Nelson's flagship, HMS Victory. Although smaller than in its heyday, the naval base remains a major dockyard and base for the Royal Navy and Royal Marine Commandos whose Headquarters resides there. There is also a thriving commercial ferryport serving destinations on the continent for freight and passenger traffic. The City of Portsmouth and Portsmouth Football Club are both nicknamed Pompey.

The above picture shows a view from the point looking down one of the narrow streets.
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號稱連大象都買得到的Harrods(哈洛斯)是倫敦不可不去的朝聖地。擁有百年歷史的Harrods始於1849年,查理哈洛斯(Charles Henry Harrod)接手的一家雜貨店,並逐漸擴大成為販售各種商品的精品百貨公司。後來由埃及商人法耶德(Mohamed Al Fayed)併購,今年再度易主,由中東卡達王室擁有的「卡達控股公司」接手。百貨中庭的埃及式風格手扶梯是著名的象徵之一,Harrods可是英國第一家採用手扶梯的百貨公司呢!進入這間代表英國最貴氣的百貨公司,可要留意穿著,不可穿短褲進入,一般自助旅行者愛用的雙肩後背包,也必須改為手提,門口守衛可是很盡責的喔!

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