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原帖由 bernardlhtan 於 2007-12-6 05:45 AM 發表
i think it is a fair result coz arsenal not play well la....they play well than us!!so,we lose 2 mark but we still unbeaten and lead MU 4 more point!!
Haha, we lost two point but still unbeaten. Hope we can bound back at the next coming match!!:onion14:
原帖由 wlt1110 於 2007-12-6 09:11 AM 發表
好可惜,arsenal 平局 !
应该newcastle 踢出应有的水准,如果在输就要炒大傻鱿鱼啦!
所以众球员一定拼命踢出场好球,更何况newcsatle 主场做战有不错成绩! ...
哈哈,枪手最后五次"光临"ST JAMES PARK都不能够全取3分。这一次也不例外啊。

回復 #59 space_boy_88 的帖子

Means we lost 2 points...:onion14: