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mediafire has been causing trouble for me too... so many times it stucked at 'verifying.....' and sometimes the file just disappeared...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb, r! Q, x& I. ]  S

- b% p: X3 B0 X* ]  G* k) zhow about sendspace? i havent used it for a while...
原帖由 heiter89 於 2008-6-17 10:09 AM 發表 公仔箱論壇# z6 F( R) Q: ]# l4 \9 _- }
6 X! H! B& `: |8 R" |5 n

( l; \, G- I; {" k4 T$ O5 LI use sendspace everyday, ok ga...
4 p  M! y  T; p! F. @  U" u5 Z
# @' L( X/ r0 \6 ywww.tvboxnow.comonly bad thing about them is the link will be removed after inactive for a while... other than that, its working pretty well for me too