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原帖由 zoewong26 於 2008-9-30 09:17 PM 發表
+ G, D2 ^$ K# t+ `$ r6 j* \6 s+ I公仔箱論壇各位,不用Bt,可以用迅雷嘛.....一样可以下载的。。。。Trust me....
www.tvboxnow.com% W2 J8 [" d. x, b9 Q- V# d8 a

& l7 {( d( h% N9 c- [  Btvb now,tvbnow,bttvb可是習慣了用BT 用迅雷很不習慣 !! 而且迅雷的速度也沒BT那麼好~

回應 he01445297 第 14 篇文章

把此贴发布去多个论坛吧~~              谢谢~~~
原帖由 miow 於 2008-9-30 09:08 PM 發表 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ c5 q- b7 G. F9 l( W
i heard it b4 .. somebody teach me to use 比特精灵 now is ok ..u can try it first ..and then where r u stay now ..i in jb ..
www.tvboxnow.com% p4 \5 y) O/ |' A0 U1 V" d2 j+ o% F" i
i use bt comet too...but最高也是50kbs++
6 X$ @9 t  t  c# }% y公仔箱論壇
我支持楼主 我1M 有1.5M 6 T" N. t- ?0 u& Q" g4 f
下有20左右 在PP...
support......8 y( j  a) I$ b3 H- R
tmnut...go to hell
原帖由 hahakl 於 2008-9-30 10:33 PM 發表
% ~6 e: d) Q, w6 v1 F3 y6 k9 Vwww.tvboxnow.comsupport......
6 h- f$ h* G8 C' f1 d! M' A& `公仔箱論壇tmnut...go to hell
5 w0 ^# e" G5 L1 a
raelly blocked???公仔箱論壇/ {2 s& k7 ?: a  P2 @' |
but really slow, damn it~~
What to do?? If we terminate, there is no alternative for us. Other ISP all use TMNET gateway...
i upgraded my service to 4mb tim.. buthen the speed is still the same..
" Z9 {7 h3 @: Z& ?# ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvbdamn regret upgraded the service to 4mb..
" D8 G3 J' G1 V+ E0 h# s8 P+ |% ii didnt really use up to 4mb.. other than microsoft and certain server can provide me with 550kbs .. there is not much server will provide such high outflow bandwith..

回應 jjj9930 第 1 篇文章

Streamyx 给人hack了是吗?
, c# L8 j# Y# O. O, W公仔箱論壇看来是时候换其他配套了,请问有人要换P1 wireless 吗?公仔箱論壇5 L" t. s: p( y; m% C! I- G+ B