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[歌曲類] Son Music《Longing 渴想祢》mp3(懸紅100000000TVB幣)

Son Music《Longing 渴想祢》mp3(懸紅100000000TVB幣)

01.  榮美基督  Glorious Christ
02.  靠著寶血  Nothing but the Blood
03.  祢最喜悅的敬拜   Delightful Worship   
04.  我的心渴想祢   Longing for You
05.  與祢一起  Be With You
06.  唯一的祢  Only You
07.  一生的倚靠  My Reliance
08.  一生交予祢  I’m Forever Yours
09.  做鹽做光  Salt and Light
10. 父親的愛  The Father’s Love

11. 祢最喜悅的敬拜 (鋼琴版)  Delightful Worship Piano
12. 祢是唯一 (國語)  You Are Only

upload to google drive and send link to me,thx! :)
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