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I think it maybe a server problem or,' A5 C" S2 W/ C8 X
somebody download finished ald and no upload for it.. a7 h: n7 \. a+ H' f
If you face this kind of problem again,
2 y5 _0 n! J: G/ t; M/ owww.tvboxnow.comI can suggest you use the "Utorrent".
" e0 ^2 H( ~8 y& ?$ B$ SIf u hav anything wanna ask, you can pm me.
" S/ X7 P5 @2 D9 S; W公仔箱論壇
' `7 |, a8 ]" }# J# ?- v7 S; [tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbSee you.
; I2 X% E9 ?( v5 }" a2 V( G公仔箱論壇
/ f7 N1 ~# ]8 _- e+ g