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ha you ar...i put the better Ver later..
原帖由 deyi_mizu 於 2009-4-7 09:16 PM 發表 公仔箱論壇6 K' u6 H. j1 q! D" U5 h
aw...have fun doing assignment~~
; [0 |+ i+ g2 x4 l% C7 @haha~~
4 q! {, Y: A- ~/ G0 e2 P3 A2 v3 Q# G& Jonce human are all destroy, they will think about the nature again..." F& D- y+ U+ C0 g
haha~~公仔箱論壇4 t/ M" a; W7 E' y  S1 `
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。" E* ]1 d! s. a8 q% H
water gor gor, you should take a giant pic of yourself~~公仔箱論壇5 r) {  ]7 {0 b. b: K0 ~
then u will be more giant ...
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 ^2 c/ I+ M( f; M) L
  }2 j& G. U' q6 Z8 x
thanks T_T
" U1 B: g3 ]2 T/ |8 o. E/ y- B0 ywww.tvboxnow.comi'll spend my easter holiday to do the assignments lor.... $ @. |1 Q6 N8 g. S
human is the most stupid animal in this world la... tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  c, y; A7 E, ^% p5 `: R
for example~~we can see with the global warming... always have to be in the worst situation to wake up, so we have to protect the nature, etc etc... are u kidding me sin? u destroy the nature then now your life is in danger so you finally wake up la? *sigh*
+ W) G# ?5 V6 [5 b( v: U- o公仔箱論壇) F2 k8 S7 R; a4 U# Y
haha, about the pic, i'll show u later if i have the chance la...
9 s; N, ~5 v6 I. b# Qwww.tvboxnow.comi scare u have a great appetite then eat me wor... giant good mui mui

回應 xterry 第 31 篇文章

who cares?
' p* ?* w3 d0 q% ]hahaha~公仔箱論壇9 @. z* W$ y3 U6 v! F1 D' w
i still think mine is better

回應 h2o 第 32 篇文章

aw...that's sad~~but i know you can finish it and might be able to enjoy a good holiday...TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 i  B/ q! r7 A% p
yea...human love to destroys things and i hope someday, other thing will destroy them..公仔箱論壇# {# ]; M" k: _4 O1 W6 z6 ^+ p
if i can choose, i think i rather be an alien...haha~~www.tvboxnow.com- D4 q5 y: W' \
they might be cuter and smarter...
+ N8 N  T4 Y0 I3 p2 W公仔箱論壇3 e: P4 S/ A( t) }- X
haha~!~your good mui mui is looking forward to see your giant pic~~TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。+ n1 q# {  @% o0 ]. C
your mui mui me don't have a big appetite~~maybe...6 w! }! R+ `2 Y4 U4 [
原帖由 deyi_mizu 於 2009-4-8 08:32 PM 發表
9 h6 H7 D; u$ G/ j6 xaw...that's sad~~but i know you can finish it and might be able to enjoy a good holiday...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 [. q, P! T1 h9 Q; p/ F0 [  g0 _
yea...human love to destroys things and i hope someday, other thing will destroy them..www.tvboxnow.com0 a( k5 n3 {; ?$ p. i0 ~
if i can choose, i th ...
5 _( c! ~0 N; S# n& Q
7 x$ s, n4 `6 O  }% x/ f& G! ^, g0 c% s公仔箱論壇i wonder myself if i can finish it or not and the answer is "no"
' x' A) W6 b+ d) @. @' \anyway... i'll try my best la... btw what will u do during your easter holiday?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  F$ z+ ]! I6 V1 Z1 |

8 E2 ?% ~1 A* p" S4 uhuman thinks he is the most powerful in this world but... we can't challenge the nature.. tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ z9 ?- l) R" V1 B) f) v$ f" O5 j
unforeseen turn of events will destroy the human.....
$ ~$ u0 q+ N" y+ S8 I
+ U! y/ ~9 j9 R6 `1 HTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。i'll show u later la~~ 巨人到嚇死你啊 公仔箱論壇; f% J: v* f- w5 R* R6 m% L
my good mui mui didn't have a great appetite meh? u say ar?

回應 h2o 第 35 篇文章

good luck~~
: _/ d9 ?9 _& W+ k" i1 O3 k- ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvbum...the weather isnt that good during my easter holiday~~" m% A. a* v+ D9 p, ~6 K* u% {+ W
i think i'll just stay home...haha~~" h" E8 F9 H! D8 i) N& f' ]
someday nature will overrun us...hahaha
! k, c3 d" N' C, n. }. tokay~~but remember to show me...hahaha2 q" r5 j( P# H3 U, P  A& |  t0 s/ g
um...i used to have a big appetite~~now, it's ok...not that big la~~
原帖由 deyi_mizu 於 2009-4-9 11:57 PM 發表 & U$ T$ h1 E- j- o* f
good luck~~公仔箱論壇% |4 t* K$ [: e& R1 K2 n
um...the weather isnt that good during my easter holiday~~
, R! J% y+ t% e4 z$ S2 T公仔箱論壇i think i'll just stay home...haha~~
* z9 A/ d2 q7 o( R3 usomeday nature will overrun us...hahaha
2 u+ m# A0 y! ]6 `+ q5 v" Xokay~~but remember to show me...hahaha
: S  q, {6 C4 Y" G; P+ S/ P公仔箱論壇um...i used t ...
6 u! z% C1 E; T; O) G! d$ `# S, f# H
thanks...... finally on holiday lor... but i wonder if it's a good thing or not . O7 k1 p! q5 ?) X  h+ c9 h
spring season la bor... the weather no good meh? then u will play 乖女 to staying at home www.tvboxnow.com5 a6 s# p# G8 l. m4 P
nature already punish the human la.. we can see with all the natural disaster ga... human act just strenghten the natural phenomena j.... 公仔箱論壇9 I$ P; O! k1 N9 o" s
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! D/ u: ~2 j) j7 p
i promise u la~~ show u later =)www.tvboxnow.com( v2 B5 a& ]& i2 k2 O; z
a girl shouldn't have a great appetite ga bor... be careful la good mui mui
hihii...公仔箱論壇, w5 g* H. S3 s/ |3 |
i also wanna go there....

回應 h2o 第 37 篇文章

your mui mui me always is a good girl la~~公仔箱論壇# }* Q' w+ L+ Y) e/ `6 E9 g
i dont go out much...hahahaha~~
( I- J: d1 ~3 G2 P& L# ^/ }! }( iso tired....  a4 s# g$ U7 k* j5 R/ y$ A! ^( c5 m+ D
i wish the world end now...

回應 howgeemun 第 38 篇文章

let's go together~~
原帖由 deyi_mizu 於 2009-4-13 05:53 PM 發表
8 ?* s7 ?) x* h9 I3 \TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。your mui mui me always is a good girl la~~
2 k! \7 Q) w+ g  R  Bi dont go out much...hahahaha~~公仔箱論壇# [/ X1 V1 ]- H  l$ \0 c* B3 |9 y3 I
so tired....
; Z" z4 l! V6 Q% ]4 K$ }& ZTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。i wish the world end now...
9 g" T! `3 |: Z& P* |' z% h
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* I1 h' m  a: X( H0 `! X: h
i'm sure my good mui mui has naughty side geh 4 C, P. e" P4 m* }* Z1 A& x- J7 O
u don't go out because the weather no good j ma... if good then u go out ga la 8 ~1 @9 O1 @/ z9 j. K4 \7 c
what will u do if the end of the world is near?

回應 h2o 第 41 篇文章

haha~everyone has their own naughty side~~TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 O8 t& X  B8 y
im sure water gor gor have one too~~right?
! ?% o* ^8 H# X6 \1 GTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。i feel so tired...no matter how many i sleep, seems like it's not enough~~
  ~; i* l2 u& h4 a# ~TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。if it's end of the world, i will tell water gor gor you are the best gor gor i have~~
原帖由 deyi_mizu 於 2009-4-14 02:58 AM 發表 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. \( T9 b" H) U4 M
haha~everyone has their own naughty side~~tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 |$ a6 H" f/ q1 N+ L
im sure water gor gor have one too~~right?
7 {) U8 G9 b/ u: I& L+ J8 F; E公仔箱論壇i feel so tired...no matter how many i sleep, seems like it's not enough~~公仔箱論壇) j5 B" f- O9 Y# m! p5 k- S8 p
if it's end of the world, i will tell w ...
( H4 P4 h% u0 z) p0 a" kwww.tvboxnow.com公仔箱論壇4 {% A5 k4 U7 x. [9 ^
hehe agree with u~~ nobody's perfect
9 u: b2 H* b1 y/ D$ z! x7 Q$ W* k公仔箱論壇i don't have one but many bor... www.tvboxnow.com1 ~- |0 L4 ?7 {  S5 h6 G4 {
how come like this ga? try to take some vit C for your tiredness la... " c7 @! m% S' l! q; m( f
you so sweet mouth to gor gor~~ tum gor gor happy ma? i'm so happy knowing that i'm your best gor gor

回應 風使者 第 43 篇文章
