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i also 10KB/s.. not high enough. they only suspect outside malaysia got problem.. but i dun think so..
3 l7 J; F2 g% S0 `! Rwww.tvboxnow.comso how was other people?
i think is the bitcomet or the program problem... or is there any virus can slowdown the speed? may be the US company bankrupt already so all server slow..
ya... may be alittle.. muahaha... but what to do... it has been since yesterday night. the speed already sucks till 10KB/s even the KB will hike till 40KB then it very fast dropped to 10KB. i think something wrong.. no body notify it.
i think not many malaysia come to this website...
now just maintain 10~ 20KB.. how to download my about 10GB movie perday... damn TMNET really.. but they never admit when they are wrong
how u get this newS???
yup... i also thinking is not tm problem coz the download speed is good. only when u use BT then it will be slow. i think is BT main server problem..
hm.... any idea guys?? i think now is not our PC got problem, TMnet still have good download speed, now only left BT program's problem. hm....
speedometer can test is good connection. but once i use flashget, the download speed also like stupid speed... i think .....something wrong
damn la...i dunno what happent to streamyx..they say nothing wrong with it
* Y! f5 m5 Q% Q- l6 q+ n* e* esure lo.. speedometer also show my speed is good. so what is hapening? is that bitcomet problem?