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原帖由 carwing 於 2008-7-18 12:32 AM 發表

Volvo 個款 出名"老餅" 改極都唔靚. handling 比較重, 行雪地就震過 "貓王" 失事比率勁高! 唯一好處係鋼水夠硬!
原帖由 hangout 於 2008-9-17 08:16 AM 發表
toyota is for the people with no driving skill. you don't need to use the brain to drive it.  Go try BMW or Porsche, not comfortable but a real driving machine.  I have 330ci and boxster now.
BMW 330 may be a bit 硬. 然而我 渣 BMW 745 is not that heavy, even it is bigger than other serials.
原帖由 假書僮 於 2008-7-17 06:09 PM 發表
我聽講 Volvo的綱鐵是最堅固的。而舒適、操控方面,因我無揸車,所以提供唔到意見。
我揸過 Volvo, 係個冬天裏面, 死過翻生, (上又上唔到, 落又停唔到, 遠遠見到 紅燈 break 唔到! 嚇到面無人色! 最後它當然 total lost, however, I am alive. 佢真係好硬!