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ndctim 發表於 2012-11-28 04:36 PM
I got a lot wor haha I m still lucky
I only get 1 神秘寶石 for so many days
so slow to lv up 25 min use8x only 12 lv
haha how many years u nvr turn la
when I turn I forget how to put point
I throw all point into智 慧
有鬼用, 一升級過左少少, 卦左就會掉落一級, 慢到死點爬
CC517 發表於 2012-11-30 11:29 PM
me 2 just die jo
用紅寶石無死得咁快, 掉寶又執唔到, 多謝啦
CC517 發表於 2012-12-1 10:15 PM
掉寶執紅寶石?I rather to pick any other stone thn tis $100 stone at道具店 or $80-$90 at 交易中心 I think tis is the cheapest stone lor
獲得 386 寵物幣,貢獻給家族 43 寵物幣 善惡值 +10 獲得1個 王者頭盔
獲得 21 寵物幣,貢獻給家族 3 寵物幣 善惡值 +10 獲得1個 王者之墜
獲得 933 寵物幣,貢獻給家族 104 寵物幣 善惡值 +10 獲得1個 聖騎士劍
獲得 719 寵物幣,貢獻給家族 81 寵物幣 善惡值 +10 獲得1個 英雄之劍
tis is wat i get in 1/2 hr but only can up 1 lv without any card
連道具店都入不到, 有$又如何
CC517 發表於 2012-12-2 11:21 AM
why u can't go in ga funny wor
nvr mind la let us know thn we give it to u
哇塞,主人,您好厲害啊,我已經1400級了,可以進行第 25 次轉生了!!吼!吼!
hehejust 1 to catch up a bit ja
for 3 yrs nvr touch so = a bit lor
we r different la
i dont need to work after i sell the shop n also dont need to study
so my life now = sleep eat n play haha
I work hard very long jo la
so my time to relax thats wat my hubby say
here very difficult lor
1世 also feel like impossible
I m so pro 打怪 until sleep jo n still holding my mouse haha
ya lor so slow that why i sleep jo
yeah I climb up to family top la